Many skincare companies promote their products as being free of preservatives, claiming that this makes them safer and more natural. However, this claim is often misleading, used as marketing tactic, promote false information, or these products still contain preservatives under different names. Additionally, some preservatives are necessary to prevent harmful bacteria growth in skincare products. Learn more about the truth behind these claims and how to protect your skin.
The truth behind skincare companies' no preservative claims.
While it may seem appealing to use skincare products that are free of preservatives, the truth is that many of these claims are not 100% accurate. In fact, it is depending on the formula, packaging and how the product being used. If the products contains some form of water (including milk, tea, hydrosol), and the containers is not used for single application, then it is very likely preservative being used in the formula.
Here is the thing, water and air (Ho2) is essential for all living things, including micro-organism. They thrive in humid, wet condition. When the formula has no preservative or chelating agent (making water less active), bacteria, yeast and fungal will grow rapidly especially when we contaminate with dirty fingers. Even though it may not able to be seen with naked eye. Unless the product is used within a day or two, keep in fridge for maximum 1 week. I would ditch a skincare product that have claim "preservative-free."
Additionally, some company stand behind their product without using preservative, that can be leading to dangerous formula. Every couple of years, there will be news about skincare products or household aromatherapy product cause harm to the public health. Here is the link back in 2021.
When a shelf stable product that claims they are "preservative-free" , what is really mean that they are paraben-free, or formaldehyde-free. Many skincare products still contain preservatives under different names, such as natural preservatives derived from sugar, or probiotics or plant-based preservatives. Some benefit of these ingredients provide dual action, such as conditioning to the skin and added preservation. Additionally, preservatives are necessary to prevent harmful bacteria growth in skincare products, which can lead to skin infections and other health issues. It's important to do your research and read ingredient labels carefully to ensure that you are using safe and effective skincare products.
It's important to read ingredient labels carefully and do your research to ensure that you are using safe and effective skincare products. Don't be fooled by marketing claims - always prioritize your skin's health and safety!